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Reader! Reader!

Literary fiction, classics, dystopian, history, memoir, prize winners, and of course the 1001 books. You really might catch me reading anything!

Currently reading

Empire of Cotton: A Global History
Sven Beckert
Progress: 220/656 pages

NY Times 100 Notable Books of 2015 (so far...)

A very interesting list—maybe I find it interesting because I have read some and others are STILL in my library queue? I shouldn't complain about my queue, as 6 books have shown up in 10 days. And I have 3 weeks only for each of those 6 books, since they all have queues and cannot be renewed. (One is read and returned—Delicious Foods, which is also on this list.)


Fiction: I have read 4, currently reading 1, 1 is sitting on my nightstand as it is another of the books that came in from my queue last week. There are so many good books here, some of which are on my to-read list, others I have never heard of (how!?).


Nonfiction: currently reading 1, 2 on my to-read list, 1 is the only book I abandoned this year (I found it unbearable). And, again, so many books that look good. And so many memoirs! I love memoirs and have not read many (or any?) this year. My nonfiction game has been bad this year, and I feel it.


How many have you read, or hope to read?